Friday, July 25, 2008



Agel offers baby boomers an amazing opportunity and products to help them reach their health and wealth goals. With Agel, you receive exceptional products, a great business opportunity and superior service that provides you with everything you need to live a healthy and wealthy life. Agel's executive team through their leadership and innovation, empowers people in the global community to realize their dreams.

Agel offers a lucrative network marketing opportunity to the world by combining worldwide market trends in health and wellness, innovative and breakthrough health technologies and the desire of many to work from home. With Agel's proprietary Suspension Gel Technology, Agel continually brings to the marketplace cutting-edge and innovative health products.

The core to Agel's success is the propritary Suspension Gel Technology that they incorporate in their products. What is Gel and what makes it so important? Gel is a plant-based, gelatinous fluid that allows basic nutrients to float. Floating allows nutrients to stay dissolved and suspended which makes them easier to ingest, more portable and more accurate in their dosage which makes them more readily absorbed by your body.


The Agel Opportunity

Agel is capitalizing on trends taking hold worldwide. The biggest trend to hit the aging world population is gaining speed. It's the subject making news on TV, magazines and at the office. What is this explosive trend?

The health and wellness industry. It has been reported that the health and wellness industry currently is a 200 billion dollar industry and is projected to hit 1 trillion by the year 2010. The health and wellness industry is poised to grow even faster in the near future and Agel is at the front of this growth.

Do you want to know why this is the case? The baby boomers are aging and they desire to regain their youth and defy the aging process. In short, these baby boomers are turning their attention and dollars to wellness products. As a result, the demand for health and wellness products is exploding. Did you know that more supplements are being consumed today than ever before. Many of these baby boomers are buying health club memberships, health-related books, watching more health-related infomercials than ever before. People are searching for a solution.

Agel's technology surpasses many other wellness company's products, they have an opportunity that allows anyone to benefit from this exploding trend and it provides individuals the opportunity to create a lifestyle of independence and success.

The one problem that many MLM companies like Agel have is that they are driven by signing up distributors and getting these distributors to buy more and more products to qualify for commissions. Many distributors concentrate on signing up other distributors instead of finding customers who want and need their products. This distributor first mentality unfortunately leads to the high failure rates for most network marketers. For any business to succeed, they need a large customer base that enjoy the products and continue buying product every month. This is no different for a MLM business.

Take a break from the MLM craziness and discover a customer based marketing model.

We Buy CUSTOMERS Not Leads.

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